
Cosmetics and Personal Care

In the realm of cosmetics regulation, three pivotal frameworks stand as cornerstones for ensuring safety, compliance, and innovation: the EU’s Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, the UK’s Cosmetics Product Enforcement Regulation GB, and the US’s Marketing and Cosmetic Regulation Act (MOCRA). Together, these regulations emphasize safety, transparency, and accountability, shaping a global cosmetics landscape that prioritizes consumer well-being while fostering innovation and compliance with evolving regulatory standards. Whether in the EU, UK, or US, these regulatory frameworks underscore a commitment to ensuring that cosmetic products meet the highest safety and compliance benchmarks, instilling confidence in consumers and industry stakeholders alike.

Our commitment to regulatory excellence means that we are able to navigate the intricacies of compliance, ensuring that every product meets or exceeds regulatory benchmarks. We prioritize consumer safety, embrace innovation, and foster a culture of accountability and excellence. Our unwavering commitment to these regulations underscores our dedication to delivering safe, compliant, and innovative cosmetic solutions that resonate with consumers globally. We integrate regulatory compliance at every stage, conducting thorough safety assessments, ingredient evaluations, and formulation reviews to align with global standards. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of the EU’s stringent guidelines or adapting to evolving UK and US regulatory landscapes post-Brexit, Here2Grow remains agile and responsive.


EU 1223/2009 Cosmetics Regulations


Product Labelling Review & Gap Remediation


Claims Substantiation


UK Cosmetics Products Enforcement Regulations 2013


Technical File Remediation & Compilation


Product Registration